Friday, May 21, 2010

Sir, I'd really like a refund now. This is NOT the life I paid for....

Sorry I've been a little MIA. I'm a fucking genius who decided that she was going to "get back in shape" by spending my 15 minute break periods climbing the stairwell of our office building. You know, since I recently quit smoking and it's about the only way I'm going to actually get a 15 minute break and all. Well, I pushed myself waaaay too hard the other day, and when I woke up the next day, I was sore as hell, but that was nothing compared to the hell I felt the day after that. Completely unable to move, unable to sleep the night before, and then I had a doctor's appointment in the afternoon.... A gyno appointment nonetheless... and then got smacked down with a major migraine on my way home from the appointment. So this week hasn't been a good one for me.

Monday officially begins the final countdown until I'm free from this nightmare of a shitty job. Annnnd I still haven't heard back from ANY of the damn applications I've submitted, so I'm down to 5 working days left and no job lined up. Fuck me. And not in a good way. Damn it.

I almost didn't last the day at work today though. We recently had a traveler who went out of state for a very important and HUGE case, I think I may have mentioned something about this previously... Either way, it was going to be more cost effective to the state's budget to keep traveler in the other state over a weekend instead bringing him back for the weekend only to send him back on Monday. Duh.

Everyone was aware of this obvious fact. Everyone except for the Deputy Director apparently, who came to me this morning saying "we have a problem." She points out that he stayed over the weekend, and she wasn't aware that he wasn't going to be conducting any business over that weekend, so we're not paying for it. Ummm... Actually we are. And all of the information was in the informational packet I gave you that you had to approve of before we could send it on to the Commissioner's Office. Remember? You know? The thing you read? Oh.... You didn't read it?

Soooo, you're basically telling me that now, I'm going to have sit here, prorate the car rental, prorate the hotel, figure out the taxes per day, then total it all up for only Monday through Friday? And then figure out how we're going to make him pay for things when he already paid for it on his state credit card? Oh, and then we need to get the whole thing reimbursed by the trustee in the case? All because you really didn't read anything before you wrote your memo? Despite the fact that I mentioned ALL OF THIS in the email I sent to the Commissioner's Office when I asked for approval? So you're basically telling me that I'm going to have to jump through 50 flaming fucking hoops just to reach the same conclusion that I would reach all on my own without you fucking with shit to begin with? Because we all know that as soon as I get the explanation from the capital office, you're gonna cave and let me do my job exactly how I've been saying all along anyway. I only 5 more days of this bullshit left, but I can already see that you're gonna fill it so full of bullshit I'm gonna come out wearing a cowboy hat and a gold buckle the size of my head by Friday. And I already know what's going to happen.... The paperwork she just took off my desk this morning so she can "review" it, I'm not going to get it back until either Thursday or Friday, and then they're going to make it a "priority" that I get it done immediately.

In the 2 years that I've been working this office, I've tried on so many damn occasions to explain the per diem thing. No matter how hard I try, no matter how simple I make it, my boss just does NOT get it. Plain and simple, traveler's go into "travel status" 2 hours before their departing flight takes off, and they leave "travel status" one hour after their return flight lands. So if a traveler is on a flight that departs at 9:00 AM, they are officially in "travel status" at 7:00 AM. If they're flight lands back in their home city at 9:00 AM, they are no longer in "travel status at 10:00 AM. Is this really that hard to understand?? 2 hours before, 1 hour after. Easy peasy. Why, then, must I spend half of my afternoon explaining it over and over and over and over again??

Oh and sorry for the super angry tone tonight.... I came home to trashed home, a husband who hasn't done shit all day, and two teenagers that have managed to wear down my very LAST remaining nerve... And I'm too broke to buy a bottle of gin... So I'm sulking with my headphones on and Marilyn Manson blaring. It's my "happy" angry music. I don't punch things, I don't scream, I don't drink or do drugs (although I have to admit that sometimes it sounds REALLY good), my venting is allowing MM to scream in my ear for 40 minutes or so. No biggie.

I did have one bright shining moment this afternoon though... Spoke to my uncle finally, who works for one of the big corporations that provides services for all the "slope" workers, and he's gonna get me job at his camp!!

I really REALLY cannot wait to start this slope job. I don't care how physical the labor is, I don't care how shitty the work conditions can be, I don't care if I have to work in a building full of jackasses. I'll be working 12 hour shifts, 14 days straight. I'm not going to have time to worry about "office drama" or crap like that. I'm going to be working, eating, and sleeping. Pretty much it. And then, I get 2 whole weeks off, 14 days to do with as I please. I get a vacation every month. I'll work my ass off for 2 whole weeks of nothing. And it's perfect. I get to go to work, get the hell away from the teenagers and home drama, work my ass off, and right at the point where I'm really missing my family and getting really tired, I get to come home for 2 whole weeks.

I can't fucking wait.


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